
SP Coaching Membership

Coaching Membership

I’m glad you’re here! I truly feel like coaching is something that can help all of us - but unfortunately it can also be pretty expensive! That’s why I am launching this Coaching Membership program. For just $97 per month you will get access to weekly group coaching calls, as well as exclusive live videos and a community of others who are on the same journey!

Whether it’s alcohol, relationship difficulties, or just changing the way your life feels, being part of a group working toward change is powerful. And I want you to join us!

What is included?

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls: We’ll meet on Zoom and talk about your questions, where you’re stuck, and how to move forward. This is your chance to ask for coaching and to discuss questions and challenges we all face as we try to change!

  • Weekly Live Video: Each week I’ll be releasing an exclusive video around a variety of change-related topics. These videos are for subscribers only and will give you things to chew on as you go through the week!

  • Community Discussion: We’ll have a private community (off of Facebook) where we can all talk about our work between calls!

  • Mini-Courses: One thing that I am super excited about with this program are the mini-courses I’m working on! There are so many cool and unique topics that can have a profound impact on change and personal growth, and I am going to be bringing that to you in the Membership! Once per quarter there will be a mini-course on these topics - and as a member you get access to the course for free!

  • One on One Call Access: The membership is the only place where you can book a single one-on-one call with me! I usually sell one-on-one coaching in packages, but if you are a member and would like to book a single hour you will be able to do so at the discounted rate!

  • Exclusive Discounts: As a member you will get access to 15% off my projects, including Shift and one-on-one coaching, as well as first crack at the limited program and coaching spaces!

Who is this for?

This program is for anyone who wants group coaching! If you want to share where you’re at with a group of people who know what it feels like, if you want to be coached and see new perspectives, if you want to talk about what it’s like to be stuck and find a way forward - this is for you!

What Does it Cost?

Membership cost is $97 per month and you get access to everything mentioned above.

What time are the calls?

The call schedule for January is:

  • Thursday, January 2 at 3pm ET

  • Tuesday, January 7 at 8pm ET

  • Wednesday, January 15 at 1pm ET

  • Friday, January 24 at 3pm ET

  • Tuesday, January 28 at 8pm ET

Calls will be added as the group grows - if you were part of my recent Holiday Group you have seen this: I will add calls as people join the group!

Call times will be revisited at the end of January.

What will we be talking about on the calls?

Great question! My goal is to discuss and coach you on whatever you bring to the calls. So if you are stuck, if you can’t figure out a next step, if you want to talk about a setback, or celebrate a win - that’s what I want to talk about! The calls will be part discussion, part sharing, and part coaching!

What if I don’t like it?

No problem! All you’ll need to do is email me at and I will cancel your membership.

Have questions? Email me!

Please use the form below to reach out to me if you have any questions about the program!