Welcome to the intro course!
In this course I give you some basics on working with your thoughts to create a better experience. This video outlines how it’s all going to work!
Here are the notes from the video:
I’ll be sending you one video every 24 hours
Take your time! The more you let this stuff roll around in your head the better!
Your job is to watch the videos, think about the content, and do the exercises
At any time during this (or ever really!) you can always feel free to reach out to me at scott@scottpinyard.com. I would love to hear from you!
And there are some questions to get you lined up to start the process:
The Work
There are two questions to ponder from this video:
Why are you here? What made you sign up for this course? Get clear on what it is you want to change.
What will life be like if you make this shift? What will be different? Paint a picture of where you want to go!
And that’s it! You should have the first video in the series in your inbox shortly, so check over there to get started!