

Are you ready to move beyond alcohol?

I can help.

For years I was stuck trying everything I could think of to break this cycle. I tried books, therapy, meetings, programs - and all of them left me feeling worse and drinking more than I did before.

I knew that my drinking was only going in one direction. And I could see the effects of it all around me - on my family, on my health, and on my work. I was stuck like this. For years.

And then I found something new. A new way of moving forward. A new way of not only looking at where I was at with alcohol, but also looking at why I was there in the first place. And this new way changed EVERYTHING!

I help people find this new way for themselves - and move beyond the old patterns that keep them trapped. And I want to help you.

Click here to reach out to me. Let’s chat.

How it Works


We all have different experiences that lead us to drinking, and during the initial phase of the program, we'll work together to undercover some of the reasons that drive your consumption. Once identified, we'll work together to develop strategies to resolve these problems. 


While our paths to this point may be different, the physiological factors that keep us locked in this loop are similar. During this phase, we'll discuss how alcohol effects your body and brain. Having an understanding of how alcohol affects you will give you the tools you need to plan. 


Now that you have a better understanding of your motivators and the mental process of dependency, you can make an effective plan. I work with you to develop a plan that you can follow during the first days and weeks of your sobriety. We will plan activities and routines that will keep you on track.


Here you take the leap - and I'm right there with you. Once the plan is in place, it's time to act. I work closely with you during the first days and weeks of your sobriety, helping you stick to you plan and make adjustments as necessary. Patience is key during this phase, and I help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. 


This is a common time for people to lapse - after the first few weeks or months, not drinking becomes easier, and it can be very tempting to have “just one.”  I work with you during this phase to identify these thought patterns and develop ways to counter them. 


It's time to look to the future and plan to keep yourself sober. During this phase, we review your progress, discuss what you've learned, and transform the short-term plan into a long-term roadmap that you can use to live your sober life.

Want to find out more? Connect with me here and we can set up a time to talk!

My Story

For over 15 years, I struggled with the amount and frequency of my alcohol consumption. Over time, I began to drink more and more, and consequently my life became weighed down by drinking. I lived under constant stress - I knew I was doing something that was hurting me, but I couldn't find my way out.

There were a few short periods where I stopped with the idea of "resetting" how much I drank, but none of them lasted more than a week. As soon as I started drinking, I was right back to my old level of consumption. That old saying "one is too much and a thousand is not enough" was excruciatingly familiar for me.

I put a lot of time and energy into drinking - thinking about drinking, planning to drink, actually drinking, being drunk, and recovering from drinking. I would worry about drinking and all it's effects on my life - and to alleviate that worry, I would drink. The cycle continued.

I did all of this while being married, raising two kids, and holding down a full-time job. Drinking was one added stress that made all other activities more difficult. I added all of that time up and realized that I had to make a change. I researched recovery programs, read books, attended meetings, and started to learn more about alcohol abuse and alcoholism. I realized that "rock bottom" isn't necessary and that we each have to make our own way sobriety. Bit by bit, I put together the knowledge and found the courage to face up to what was happening in my life and that propelled me to quit. Over that time, I learned a lot about alcohol, and how it affects your body and changes your life. 

As time went on, I began to help others get out of their own drinking habits. I started working with people to develop a better understanding of why they drink and how it affects them. I realized that there are many different paths to sobriety - and I decided I wanted to help as many people as I could find their path. 

My mission is to help people navigate their way to a better life. 

Click here to contact me - let’s talk.