YES!! I am very excited to invite you to join me for a free coaching workshop! There are certain barriers that I am sure you are aware of in coaching: in particular being stuck with thought-work. I don’t know about you, but for me I sometimes felt like I was running around in circles with clients trying to use the same thought-based tools in different ways, and while that can work, it can also be kind of frustrating.
Over the last few years I’ve found ways to go beyond that and get out of the thought-work cycle. I’ve found some ways to go deeper with my clients, and I’ve seen some real change from it.
That’s what I want to talk about in this workshop: how do we go beyond thought to a place where people can experience a different level of peace? I want to tell you how I see it, about how going beyond thought can cause some major shifts, and talk about some ways to make it happen.
Here are the workshop details:
Beyond Thought Workshop
When: Friday, July 26 at 1PM ET
Where: Zoom (yes, there will be a replay!)
Got Questions?
Please email me at with any questions - I would love to hear from you!